Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi and the Monkey

Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi and the Monkey
  • Jul 02, 2024

Bhagawan Ramanar was not just a saint but a God for all, this may surprise many but the following incident as narrated by Mrs.Taleyarkhan a Parsi devotee will make it evident. 

“Maharshi led an absolutely simple life and from a very young age lived in the hills of the Arunachala. In course of time Arunachala became an internationally famous pilgrim center, attracting devotees from all parts of the world..

Maharshi seemed to have had a very soft corner for all the animals. Among the several animals that have inhabited the holy Arunachala hills, the Monkeys were the most frequent visitors to Maharshi’s ashram (hermitage).. When Bhagawan was in the Virupaksha cave, an adult male Monkey badly mauled a little Monkey..

When it fell down motionless, the attacker left it for dead. After a while, the little Monkey has gained it’s senses and limped slowly to Maharshi’s ashram probably for protection..Bhagawan took pity on the hapless creature; dressed it’s wounds; and nourished it back to health..

Bhagawan then named the little one “Nondi” and asked,”when you become the king of your tribe, will you ever forget me..”..The monkey, who seemed to have understood the words of Bhagawan, shook his head as though he will not forget Bhagawan when he became a king..

Nondi,the monkey then went back to his home and in due course of time became the king of all the other monkeys in the hills.. As promised,Nondi visited Bhagawan one day with his queen and the retinue and enjoyed the hospitality of Maharshi..

Bhagawan too blessed the Monkey and it’s family.. All the monkeys prostrated before the holy Lotus feet of Bhagawan and left for the jungle..” Mrs.Taleyarkhan concluded..

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