Arunachala Hill and Ramana Maharishi: A Simple Guide

Arunachala Hill and Ramana Maharishi: A Simple Guide
  • Mar 08, 2024

Arunachala Hill and Ramana Maharishi: A Simple Guide


There's a special hill in Tamil Nadu, India, called Arunachala. It's very important to a wise man named Ramana Maharishi and to many people who follow the Hindu religion. Let's find out why this hill is so special and how it helped Ramana Maharishi on his spiritual journey.

What Makes Arunachala Special:

Arunachala isn't just any hill. People believe it's a sacred place filled with good energy. They think this hill is a form of Lord Shiva, one of the main gods in Hinduism.

Ramana Maharishi and Arunachala:

When Ramana Maharishi was very young, he went to live by Arunachala Hill. He felt a strong connection to it, like it was teaching him about life and helping him grow spiritually. He stayed close to Arunachala for the rest of his life because he believed it was a very holy place.

What Ramana Maharishi Taught:

Ramana Maharishi told people that Arunachala Hill was like a guide showing us how to find peace inside ourselves. He said that just like Arunachala is at the centre of the land around it, finding peace inside us is at the centre of living a good life.

Why Arunachala is Important in Hindu Religion:

Long before Ramana Maharishi, Arunachala Hill was already a special place for Hindu people. It's known as a strong spiritual place that helps people feel closer to God and find peace. Many people visit Arunachala to pray and learn more about themselves.

Visiting Arunachala:

Today, lots of people still go to Arunachala. They go there to think, pray, and try to understand more about life, just like Ramana Maharishi did. The hill has old temples and places to stay for people who are looking for peace.


Arunachala Hill helped Ramana Maharishi and continues to help many people in their search for peace and understanding. It teaches us that sometimes, looking at nature and finding quiet places can help us learn a lot about ourselves.

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