Thiruvannamalai – Abode of Peace

Thiruvannamalai – Abode of Peace
  • Oct 14, 2022

Thiruvannamalai – Abode of Peace

Thiruvannamalai all along these years have been the land of divinity and peace. The mountain is sacred by itself as it is considered as Lord Shiva. No where on this earth a whole mountain is considered sacred. Many Hindu temples from Kailash to Sabarimala are considered sacred only because God’s abode is on their top but the Hill of Thiruvannamalai is itself a Linga form of Lord Shiva.

But is that all that brings people to Thiruvannamalai, no certainly not. Thiruvannamalai is a region full of beautiful forest and calm atmosphere. Coming to Thiruvannamalai gives tranquility to oneself. The place make you think more about God. The peace-fullness adorns you to think more about your Inner-self like no other place.

The Pure air lushing through the natural herbs becomes the natural medicine and that’s an important reason for many Sadhus and Siddhars to come settle in Thiruvannamalai.

What is Divinity

The world has been here for Zillions of years, every Living organism since then has always been longing for a state of sanctity and divinity. Divinity comes with Peace when you sit alone in a calm place with your eyes closed your mind rewinds all the past happenings clearing all the worldly affairs. When you wake up you feel fresh as you have cleared all the scrap and that is the power of Silence and Thiruvannamalai gives you that Peace.

Reach Thiruvannamalai

It’s now time for you to reach Thiruvannamalai, find your place stay calm and experience the tranquility and divinity within. Remember living in Thiruvannamalai is living with God himself.

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