New Year, New Beginnings

New Year, New Beginnings
  • Oct 14, 2022

“Happiness is your nature, It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is, seeking it outside when it is inside” – Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi

There comes a Monday after every Sunday and there comes a Night after every Morning and that is nature and it could never be changed, then what is new with a New Year…? New Year marks a new beginning of a story of yourself and a tale of success and failure and a moment to rejuvenate yourselves. As Bhagwan Ramanar says when Happiness is always inside why go in search of it outside.

Every New Year brings us a whole lot of worldly dreams that we desire to fulfill all the 365 days and through the course of time we win in some and loose in some, but we forget to dream about our inner-self. Bhagwan Ramanar always wanted us to aim for a greater joy that is available all over nature, like the holy land of Tiruvannamalai where he chose to seek his peace and later he settled down.

This new year let us all take a pledge to set aside seeking just our worldly dreams and start seeking more inner-peace that will take us to the heaven in a holy way. The ways and means are a bit simple try to find a piece of land in a peaceful atmosphere just like Bhagwan chose Thiruvannamalai settle down start seeking the blessings of the lord himself. Thiruvannamalai is one such place where you are not beside God but just living beneath him. We wish you all a Happy, Glorious and Peaceful New Year.

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