Giri Pradakshina date and timing - Pournami timings and date for year 2024

Giri Pradakshina date and timing - Pournami timings and date for year 2024
  • Mar 27, 2024

The chart outlines specific dates and times for each month when the Giri Pradakshina should be performed in the year 2024. This is closely tied to the full moon days, as per Hindu tradition. Here is an explanation of when the Giri Pradakshina should be done according to the chart:

  • January: The Giri Pradakshina starts on the 24th of January at 09:49 PM and continues until 11:23 PM on the 25th of January.
  • February: It begins on the 23rd at 03:33 PM and ends on the 24th at 05:59 PM.
  • March: Starts on the 24th at 09:54 AM and finishes on the 25th at 12:29 PM.
  • April: Begins on the 23rd at 03:25 AM and concludes on the 24th at 05:18 AM.
  • May: Commences on the 22nd at 06:47 PM and closes on the 23rd at 07:22 PM.
  • June: Starts on the 21st at 07:31 AM and ends on the 22nd at 06:37 AM.
  • July: Begins on the 20th at 05:59 PM and concludes on the 21st at 03:46 PM.
  • August: Commences on the 19th at 03:04 AM and finishes on the 20th at 11:55 PM.
  • September: Starts on the 17th at 11:44 AM and ends on the 18th at 08:04 AM.
  • October: Begins on the 16th at 04:00 PM and concludes on the 17th at 04:55 PM.
  • November: Commences on the 15th at 06:19 AM and closes on the 16th at 02:58 AM.
  • December: Starts on the 14th at 04:58 PM and ends on the 15th at 02:31 PM.

For each month, the time span provided includes the night of the full moon and sometimes extends into the next day, marking a period considered auspicious for performing the Giri Pradakshina. The practice involves walking around a holy site or deity and is traditionally done during these times, with the belief that it is especially beneficial or sanctified when aligned with the full moon.

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